On January 3rd Josh got hired by Beverly Hills Fire Department. We are so excited for him to work at this Department. It is the best department, they take such great care of there firefighters! For the last 3 weeks Josh has been in training with four other guys that they hired. Yesterday January 21st was his graduation, it was so exciting.
Josh and I next to his turn outs
Me pinning on Josh's Badge..so Proud of him!
Josh with Oliver and Elle in front of an old Fire Truck.
All of us!
I am so proud of Josh and all of his hard work. This is such a HUGE blessing for us. Josh has worked so hard and sacrificed a lot to be a Fireman. Originally he tested with 400 people and he was ranked #3 over all. Yesterday at his graduation one of the Captains that was in his interview panel, told us that Josh was the last interview of the week, he said that they were done, they wanted to go home and then Josh walked in a Dazzled them. He is the Captain on C shift which Josh will be on and he said that he is looking forward to having Josh on his shift. He has made us so proud! We are so grateful for this amazing opportunity he has been given.
Love you so much Babe!
THAT IS SO AWESOME!!! Congrats to all of you!!! And by the way you look so gorgeous.. I love your outfit! You will totally fit-in in Beverly Hills! ;) Love you!